REMOWA project

The Pr​​oj​ect


The Covid-19 virus outbreak in late 2019 - early 2020 led to a surge of remote working, where the majority of EU white collar workforce was compelled to work in an out-of-office setting; this comes to a sharp contrast compared to past years, where just 5-10% of EU employees have been working remotely. Nevertheless, such a rise in remote working has not been unprecedented; there has been a steady, yet minimal, increase through the years in the numbers of remote workers (esp. in the ICT sector), with a similar spike during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak and other similar cases of business interruptions. The difference this time is that the increase in remote working due to Covid-19 virus outbreak has been fueled both by more flexible and decentralized management practices, as well as more widely available technologies. Moreover, people are more used to it, be it for work or for personal communication. This led to an immediate and creative adaptation of workplaces to a remote work mode, where in many occasions the entire workforce worked from home. REMOWA project’s outputs will be some tools for responding to this challenge.


The REMOWA project documents the emerging skills gap for managing a remote workforce & develops corresponding Open Educational Resources (OERs) and a training course for the continuous professional development of HR professionals, trainers, supervisors, consultants and managers of organizations and teams. In particular, the project will:

  • Document the skills required for managing a remote workforce, improving skills intelligence at the EU level.
  • Define learning outcomes for a C-VET course for HR professionals on remote work management.
  • Make available a sector-validated online course for HR professionals.
  • Provide ready-to-use tools for the workplace to support the role of HR professionals as trainers and mentors.


  • Evidence-based learning outcomes on remote working management skills for HR & relevant professionals.
  • Curriculum structure (syllabus), learning & assessment materials, a serious game, as well as a trainer handbook with VET integration guidelines.
  • Creation of pedagogical materials as Open Educational Resources (OERs).
  • Development and testing of a Vocational Open Online Course (VOOC). 
  • A set of tools for the facilitation of remote work management including a self-assessment tool, a best practice guide, and also protocols, guidelines, and checklists to facilitate remote work practices & processes.
  • Multiplier events in each partner’s country to promote project results & public discussion on increasing the quality & effectiveness of VET in the HR field.